野田秀樹『THE BEE』日英両バージョン
あの『THE BEE』が世界と日本を駆け巡る!2006年にロンドンで初演、続く2007年、東京で ロンドンバージョンと同時に新演出で日本バージョンを上演するやいなや、センセーションを巻き起こした『THE BEE』。高密度でスリリングな展開、現代を鋭く切り取った作品内容、そして言語と文化を横断する実験的な創造手法が高く評価され、その年の演劇賞を総なめにしました。
日常と非日常の危うい境界線、平凡な人間が隠し持つ怒りと憎悪、恐怖にさえも適応してしまう人間の強靭さ……今、もっとも見逃せないテーマが散りばめられた『THE BEE』。英語版のワールドツアー、日本語版のジャパンツアーを敢行するという、来春最大の演劇的事件にご注目ください。

10 years after 9/11
Noda Hideki's bilingual masterpiece, "THE BEE" reemerges to make its tour!
“THE BEE” is set to sweep across the world once again. With an initial debut in 2006 in London, and moving into 2007, where the English version was played parallel to the culturally adapted Japanese version in Tokyo, THE BEE became a sensational hit. It is a critically acclaimed, profound, and thrilling work that has been skillfully etched out for the current generation, experimenting marvelously with language and culture, and claiming performance awards the year of its first world tour. Noda Hideki drew his inspiration from the tragic events of 9/11 when creating this showpiece, a work that would go down in theatric history. Using Tsutsui Yasutaka's novel, Mushiriai, as a subject matter, the story revolves around a typical businessman who takes a wife and child hostage. In response, the father of the hostage family then takes hostage the wife and child of his own family's captor, and a psychological war ensues. The modern themes riding the thin line between the usual and the strange, and the power of the deep seeded rage, hatred, even paranoia hidden beneath the skin of the average man is interwoven in this, THE BEE. As the English version makes its world tour, and the Japanese version makes its tour of Japan this coming spring, this will be a performance not to be missed.
『THE BEE』受賞歴
◆第42回紀伊國屋演劇賞/団体賞:NODA・MAP(『THE BEE』『キル』)
◆第7回朝日舞台芸術賞/グランプリ:NODA・MAP(『THE BEE』日本・ロンドンバージョン)
◆第49回毎日芸術賞/演劇部門:野田秀樹(『THE BEE』日本・ロンドンバージョン)
◆第15回読売演劇大賞/大賞・最優秀作品賞:NODA・MAP(『THE BEE』日本・ロンドンバージョン)
最優秀男優賞:野田秀樹(『THE BEE』日本・ロンドンバージョン)
最優秀演出家賞:野田秀樹(『THE BEE』日本・ロンドンバージョン)
(2007年東京 日英両バージョン上演/読売新聞)
Reviews of "The Bee"
The evening swings from hyperactive satire to thought-provoking nightmare, (Dominic Cavendish /The Daily Telegraph, 28.06.2006)
This is a highly unusual theatrical gem; part slapstick comedy, part satire, part macabre dance. ...informs this production, so too does Noda's. Not only does he pull off a series of dazzling coups de theatre as director, he also cross-dresses as Ogoro's wife.
(Rachel Halliburton / Time Out, 05.07.2006) ★★★★★
The play explores ruthlessness and the art of playing the role of victim or aggressor. It also suggests that a streak of merciless cunning lies beneath the veneer of polite society. But most disturbingly, Colin Teevan's adaptation, together with Hideki Noda's inventive production, draw links between comedy and pain, beauty and cruelty, particularly as associated with Japanese culture.
(Sarah Hemming / The Financial Times, 29.06.2008) ★★★★ |